Hungaria - Summer Camps for Children

HU Summer Camp


Did you like spending summer time in camps when you were a child? Summer camps are the best places to make new friendships and have new experiences about unknown things.

Organising Accident and Crime Prevention Summer Camp is one of the traditions at the police in Hungary. With the help of the National Accident Prevention Committee county police headquarters organise different summer camps for nursery and primary school children during whole of the summer.

The main target is to handle information about road safety in a playful way. Children can learn about the main traffic rules for pedestrians and cyclists or the meaning of road signs. Besides the road safety children can hear about the danger of summer time during crime prevention lessons, how to store their purse, mobile phone or house keys when they are on the beach or not to open the door for unknown person when they are at home alone. Of course the children have possibility to try police equipment as well as to sit into police cars or meet with police dogs but traditional activities like cycling, swimming in a lake or playing quizzes are also the part of the camp programmes.

More information:

Italian Traffic Police - Operation “High Impact” was held in Italy from 25th June to 11th July 2020.

Italy 1


The Italian Traffic Police held the national operation “High Impact” in the entire Italian territory, from 25 June to 11 July 2020.
During the Operation “High Impact” 20.426 vehicles have been checked with 5.126 patrol-cars involved and 7.186 offences detected.

From 25 to 27 June, 11.164 vehicles have been checked for the mandatory vehicle insurance, with 2461 offences.

From 29 to 30 June, 1.065 dangerous freight transport-vehicles have been checked and 114 offences detected for the specific transport.

Italy 2

From 2 to 4 July, 9.219 vehicles have been checked and 638 offences detected related the use of mobile phone (as a driver without hands-free equipment).

6 and 7 July, 277 exceptional transports-vehicles have been checked with 63 specific offences detected.

From 9 to 11 July, 9.865 vehicles have been checked with 2.956 offences regarding seatbelts and other safety restraints by children.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the ROADPOL Safety Days.

Find more information at our newsletter and  on

ROADPOL supports the German campaign “1000 safe wishes for more road safety”


 ROADPOL 1000 Wnsche

...wishes that all follow the rules of road traffic and arrive safely




Please also support the Road Safety Day on 20 June 2020!

Participate and share your wishes.

The idea
Every one of us is part of the road traffic and everyone has wishes regarding road safety. Share them that we can all be a little more mindful and considerate. Because road safety saves lives and concerns us all.

Under the motto #1000sichereWünsche (1000 safety wishes), all road users, organisations, companies and above all YOU are called upon to share your wishes for road safety on 20 June and together make as many people as possible aware of the importance of road safety.

DVRWho can join ?
Everyone can take part: No matter whether it is a company, association, organization, club, private person, municipality, kindergarten, school and so on. Because road safety concerns us all!

How do you join?
Take advantage of 20.06.2020, the Road Safety Day, to share a post with your wish for more road safety. This can be a photo, a statement, a drawing, a film etc. There are no limits to your ideas.
You are welcome to use the visuals or stickers of the campaign, which are available for download on .

Provide the mail with the hashtag #1000sichereWuensche.

Where can you join ?
The participation is possible by sharing the contribution on the own channel of:
Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / #tagderverkehrssicherheit   #1000sichereWuensche   #kommmitmensch   @DVR_info

Special ankle bracelet against alcohol abuse is introduced nationwide in the Netherlands



The alcohol ankle bracelet is introduced nationally. This was reported by Minister Grapperhaus of Justice and Security. This "alcohol meter" is intended for people who have done something punishable under the influence of alcohol and therefore have an alcohol prohibition.

The alcohol meter proved to be a reliable means of checking compliance with the alcohol prohibition during tests, helping to prevent abuse, committing crimes and drink-driving. The minister wrote this today in a letter to the House of Representatives.

Grapperhaus: “ Many violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol, such as violence when going out, football or in a domestic atmosphere. The ankle bracelet is an effective way to change behavior. That's why I want it to be deployed nationwide."


People who are convicted may be subject to an alcohol ban as a special condition. Compliance is now monitored by the probation service on average twice a week through a breathalyzer, blood or urine test. According to the minister, wearing a special ankle bracelet works a lot more efficiently. "It is now a snapshot, so that the alcohol ban can be violated in the meantime."

At the initiative of the GGZ Addiction Probation Foundation,

the Public Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Justice and Security, the functioning of the alcohol meter has been tested in pilots since 2017. "This is important because the social damage from alcohol abuse, including the involvement of the police and the judiciary and the damage caused by road accidents, is estimated at 2.3 to 4.2 billion euros per year. Together with the financial consequences for people through loss of quality of life and even premature death, the social damage will amount to 6.1 billion euros."

This is how the alcohol meter works