Paolo Cestra neu 300

President of Honour
Paolo Cestra (Italy)

Paolo CESTRA has been TISPOL President from October 2016 to April 2019 and was awarded the title of TISPOL President of Honour.

Since ROADPOL, as the successor to TISPOL, took over all TISPOL titles and prizes awarded (according to article 8, point 16 of the new ROADPOL Statute), he may now call himself ROADPOL President of Honour.
Paolo CESTRA is graduated in Law, Science of Public Administration and International Relations, International Security Ph.D candidate.   He is First Executive Officer (Colonel) of the Italian National Police (Polizia di Stato),  actually designed as Police Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Bucharest (Romania) with the role of Coordinator for the Balkans and Eastern Europe area and Italian Point of Contact at the SELEC (Southeast European Law Enforcement Center).
Consultant for the International Cooperation at the National Traffic Service of the Italian National Police (Servizio Polizia Stradale).
He holds a Master Degree in Peacekeeping and Security Studies and a Master on International Policing. Paolo performed successfully, among others, the Senior Police Officers Planning and Command Course for Crisis Management Missions/Operations at the European Academy of Police and the Peacekeeping Mission Commander Course the United Nations Institute for Training and Research - POCI.
He is an expert in Traffic and Road Policy, International Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Support Missions. He  has attended at the CASD the Ministry of Defence the 7th Course for Legal Advisor  to the Armed Forces and the 29th Civilian and Military Cooperation Course. From 2014 to 2015 he was in service at the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of Interior as Acting Head of the Investigative Division of the National Traffic Service.
Paolo is a member of ROADPOL Executive Committee. He was President of CARPOL Subgroup within the LEWP of the Council of the European Union in Brussels during the period July to December 2014.
From 2012 to 2019 he was the Italian Representative to the LANDSEC Committee within the DGMove at the European Commission in Bruxelles and also Member of the Experts Committee on Road Transport-Social Rules.

From May 2001 to March 2002 he was Deputy Commander of the Italian State Police Contingent within the UNMIK Mission in Kosovo.

Author of several publications on road safety and road policing and lecturer at Universities and Police Academies.

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