Italian Traffic Police - Operation “High Impact” was held in Italy from 25th June to 11th July 2020.

Italian Traffic Police - Operation “High Impact” was held in Italy from 25th June to 11th July 2020.

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The Italian Traffic Police held the national operation “High Impact” in the entire Italian territory, from 25 June to 11 July 2020.
During the Operation “High Impact” 20.426 vehicles have been checked with 5.126 patrol-cars involved and 7.186 offences detected.

From 25 to 27 June, 11.164 vehicles have been checked for the mandatory vehicle insurance, with 2461 offences.

From 29 to 30 June, 1.065 dangerous freight transport-vehicles have been checked and 114 offences detected for the specific transport.

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From 2 to 4 July, 9.219 vehicles have been checked and 638 offences detected related the use of mobile phone (as a driver without hands-free equipment).

6 and 7 July, 277 exceptional transports-vehicles have been checked with 63 specific offences detected.

From 9 to 11 July, 9.865 vehicles have been checked with 2.956 offences regarding seatbelts and other safety restraints by children.