
This is a ROADPOL country driving guide to help drivers visiting Switzerland.

Visitor Information: 

Collision & Breakdown Information: 

Useful Phrase 1 - English: 

Call the Police!

Useful Phrase 1 - Destination: 

Rufen Sie die Polizei! / Appelez la police!

Useful Phrase 2 - English: 

Do you speak English?

Useful Phrase 2 - Destination: 

Sprechen Sie Englisch? / Parlez vous anglais? /

Useful Phrase 3 - English: 

My car has broken down.

Useful Phrase 3 - Destination: 

Mein Auto hat eine Autopanne / Ma voiture est en panne.

Useful Phrase 4 - English: 

Where is the nearest fuel station?

Useful Phrase 4 - Destination: 

Wo ist die naechste Tankstelle? / Où est la station-service la plus proche?

Useful Phrase 5 - English: 

I am lost.

Useful Phrase 5 - Destination: 

Ich habe mich verirrt. / Je suis perdu.

Useful Phrase 6 - English: 

Thank you. / Merci

Useful Phrase 6 - Destination: 

Danke / Merci

Road Traffic Policing: 

Road Traffic Enforcement: 

Individual limits and specific driving requirements: 

Motorway driving

"Autobahn-Knigge" describing the basic rules of traffic and behaviour on motorways, in German, French, Italian and English


For more information about driving in Switzerland please see the European Commission Road Safety Link - 'Going Abroad'
