
This is a ROADPOL country driving guide to help drivers visiting Latvia.

Visitor Information: 

  • Latvia is located in the north-western part of Europe by the Baltic Sea.
  • The capital is Riga.
  • The total area of the Republic of Latvia is 64,589 km2 (24,938 sq mi).
  • Latvian’s border countries are Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Russia as well as a maritime border to the west with Sweden.
  • Latvia has 531 km (330 mi) of sandy coastline, on the Baltic Sea.
  • In 2014 Latvian had a population of 1,997,500 with 85 8006 registered vehicles.
  • The length of the road network is 73,275 kilometres.
  • The official language is Latvian.
  • The international vehicle identity plate is LV.

Collision & Breakdown Information: 

  • Any participant to road traffic shall do as much as possible in order to provide first aid to victims in a road traffic accident.
  • If people have suffered or damage has occurred to the property of third person as a result of a road traffic accident, as well as if damage to vehicles has been caused due to which they can not move, a driver shall:
  • stop immediately and stay at the scene of the accident, switch on emergency lights and set up an emergency hazard sign, but, if this is not possible, shall notify other road traffic participants regarding the road traffic accident by some other means.
  • do everything possible, in order to provide first aid to a victim, immediately call 112, but, if that is not possible, shall deliver a victim by his or her own or other passing vehicle to the nearest medical institution and return to the scene of the accident;
  • do everything possible, in order to retain the track of the event at the place of the accident, and shall record the name, surname and address of witnesses;
  • notify the Police regarding the road traffic accident and act further in accordance with its instructions. The number is 112. If people have not suffered in the road traffic accident and damages to the property of a third person have not been committed, as well as damage to vehicles has not been caused, due to which they could not move, the drivers shall, if that is possible, immediately remove the vehicles from the roadway for an unhindered flow of traffic, fill and sign the European Accident Report or in another way exchange personal data and particulars related to the vehicles.
  • You can also call the Police in case if it is not possible to exchange data (name, address, insurance) with the other accident parties.
  • A driver is prohibited to use alcoholic beverages, narcotics or psychotropic substances after the road traffic accident until the carrying out of the check-up required for the determination of the state of intoxication or discharge from such check-up in accordance with the specified procedures.
  • You are required to carry a red warning triangle and a yellow fluorescent vest in your car in case of a breakdown or an accident.
  • On all roads, ensure you wear a high visibility vest before getting out of your vehicle.

Useful Phrase 1 - English: 

Call the Police!

Useful Phrase 1 - Destination: 

Izsauciet policiju!

Useful Phrase 2 - English: 

Do you speak English?

Useful Phrase 2 - Destination: 

Vai Jūs runājat angliski?

Useful Phrase 3 - English: 

My car has broken down.

Useful Phrase 3 - Destination: 

Mana mašīna ir salūzusi.

Useful Phrase 4 - English: 

Where is the nearest fuel station?

Useful Phrase 4 - Destination: 

Kur ir tuvākā degvielas uzpildes stacija?

Useful Phrase 5 - English: 

I am lost.

Useful Phrase 5 - Destination: 

Esmu apmaldījies.

Useful Phrase 6 - English: 

Thank you!

Useful Phrase 6 - Destination: 


Road Traffic Policing: 

  • Driving speed: within inhabited areas may not exceed 50 km/h, outside inhabited areas – 90 km/h.
  • Safety belts and child seats: safety belts must be used by drivers and all passengers. Children must be transported in appropriate child seat or on appropriate support while not taller than 150 cm.
  • Mobile phone: the driver is not allowed to use the mobile phone while driving unless the hands-free system is used.
  • Winter tyres: tyres intended for use in winter must be used from December 1 till March 1 on all vehicles and busses having gross vehicle mass up to 3500 kg. Use of studded tyres is prohibited from May 1 till October 1.
  • Alcohol and narcotics: permissible alcohol level in blood is up to 0.5 ‰, but up to 0,2‰ for novices having driving licence for less than 2 years.
  • Mandatory daylight running lights.
  • Automatic cameras for speeding.
  • Warning triangle and first aid kit.

Road Traffic Enforcement: 

  • Latvian Police website
  • Road Traffic Safety Directorate website
  • Emergency contact number is 112.
  • Police emergency contact number is 110.

Individual limits and specific driving requirements: 

For more information about driving in Latvia, please see the European Commission Road Safety Link - 'Going Abroad':