
This is a ROADPOL country driving guide to help drivers visiting Italy.

Visitor Information: 

112 (Police – Emergency)
115 (Fire Brigade)
118 (Ambulance – Medical Emergency)

For more information:

Collision & Breakdown Information: 

Useful Phrase 1 - English: 

Call the Police!

Useful Phrase 1 - Destination: 

Chiamate la Polizia

Useful Phrase 2 - English: 

Do you speak English?

Useful Phrase 2 - Destination: 

Lei parla Inglese?

Useful Phrase 3 - English: 

My car has broken down.

Useful Phrase 3 - Destination: 

La mia auto è in panne (or) siamo rimasti in panne.

Useful Phrase 4 - English: 

Where is the nearest fuel station?

Useful Phrase 4 - Destination: 

Dove è la piu’ vicina stazione di rifornimento?

Useful Phrase 5 - English: 

I am lost!

Useful Phrase 5 - Destination: 

Mi sono perso!

Useful Phrase 6 - English: 

Thank you!

Useful Phrase 6 - Destination: 


Road Traffic Policing: 

Urban roads: 50 Km/h
Non-urban roads; 90 Km/h
Motorways: 130 Km/h

0,5 g/l  Standard drivers
0,0 g/l Novice drivers
0,0 g/l Professional drivers

Road Traffic Enforcement: 

Individual limits and specific driving requirements: 

For more information about driving in Italy please see the European Commission Road Safety Link - 'Going Abroad':