
This is a ROADPOL country driving guide to help drivers visiting Finland .

Visitor Information: 

  • Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe.
  • The population is 5.5 million.
  • Finland's border countries are: Sweden, Norway and Russia.
  • The area of Finland is 338,000 square kilometres
  • 8% of the country is cultivated, 10 % is covered by lakes (which number 188,000) and 69% by forests.
  • There were 3,695,847 driving licence holders in 2015 and 3,766,018 registered vehicles of which 3,194,950 were passenger cars.
  • An additional 22,215 registered vehicles can be found on the Aland Islands.
  • Finland is a bilingual country, both Finnish and Swedish being the official languages.
  • In total there are 454 000 km of roads of this, 78,000 km is Road Administration maintained, 26,000 km is municipal and 739 km is motorways.
  • Cyclist and pedestrian zones' length is around 5,000 km.

Collision & Breakdown Information: 

  • In a collision make sure that there is no danger of further collisions due to the position of the vehicles. Call the police on 112 if there is injury or a legal issue. If damage are slight and there is no disagreement about who is guilty and no one is under the influence of psychoactive substances, exchange details with third parties and inform the insurance companies.
  • In a vehicle breakdown park the car on the road side as far as possible from other traffic. Put up a warning triangle. Call 112 and ask for help. Wait by your car, away from the road in a safe place.

Useful Phrase 1 - English: 

Call the Police!

Useful Phrase 1 - Destination: 

Kutsukaa poliisi! - Ring polisen!

Useful Phrase 2 - English: 

Where is nearest fuel station?

Useful Phrase 2 - Destination: 

Missä on lähin huoltoasema? - Var är närmaste bensinstation?

Useful Phrase 3 - English: 

My car has broken down.

Useful Phrase 3 - Destination: 

Autoni on mennyt rikki. - Min bil har gått sönder

Useful Phrase 4 - English: 

I am lost.

Useful Phrase 4 - Destination: 

Olen eksynyt - Jag är vilsen

Useful Phrase 6 - English: 


Useful Phrase 6 - Destination: 

Kiitos - Tack

Road Traffic Policing: 

  • Around 1,5 million breath tests are carried out each year.
  • Saliva drug screening testing is carried out on drivers.
  • Around 3,000 km of road is under automatic speed camera surveillance.

Road Traffic Enforcement: 

  • HGV enforcement is significant to deal with both Road Safety and Transport Security aspects.
  • Zero tolerance against taking drugs and driving - no need to prove impairment.
  • All traffic offences are considered as criminal offences. Drivers responsibility approach is applied.

Individual limits and specific driving requirements: 

For more information about driving in Finland please see the European Commission Road Safety website - 'Going Abroad':