Czech Republic

This is a ROADPOL country driving guide to help drivers visiting the Czech Republic.

Visitor Information: 

Collision & Breakdown Information: 

- if it concerns the death or injury of persons,
- if it concerns the damage evidently exceeding 100 000 CZK (cca 3 500 EUR),
- if the road/communication or its part is damaged or invaded,
- if there is the damage of the property of the third person except the motor vehicle, which participated in the accident,
- if  participants of the traffic accident are not able to restore the fluency of the road traffic themselves.


Useful Phrase 1 - English: 

Call the Police!

Useful Phrase 1 - Destination: 

Zavolejte policii!

Useful Phrase 2 - English: 

Do you speak English?

Useful Phrase 2 - Destination: 

Mluvíte anglicky?

Useful Phrase 3 - English: 

Where is the nearest fuel station?

Useful Phrase 3 - Destination: 

Kde je nejbližší čerpací stanice?

Useful Phrase 4 - English: 

I am lost.

Useful Phrase 4 - Destination: 

Ztratil jsem se.

Useful Phrase 5 - English: 

My car has broken down.

Useful Phrase 5 - Destination: 

Mé vozidlo má poruchu.

Useful Phrase 6 - English: 

Thank you.

Useful Phrase 6 - Destination: 


Road Traffic Policing: 

Road Traffic Enforcement: 

Police of the Czech Republic

BESIP – Security of Road Traffic (prevetion)

Ministry of Transport:

Ministry of Interior:

Traffic News:

Individual limits and specific driving requirements: 

For more information about driving in the Czech Republic please see the European Commission Road Safety Link - 'Going Abroad':