Enforcement measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic available on the ECR Euro Contrôle Route website

kopie 007Enforcement measures are being taken to ensure that the logistic-lifelines during the COVID-19 crisis run as smoothly and undisturbed as possible. After all, the timely provision of necessities is crucial during the crisis.

Following the important and substantial number of notifications of temporary derogations from the driving and resting time legislation, justified by the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Commission has compiled this information in a dedicated table click here.

Furthermore, useful information is available on the IRU International Road Union website.

The above-mentioned websites are frequently updated with the issuing organisations.



ROADPOL supports the worldwide campaign "Stay at home"



Dear TISPOL Familiy and Friends,

after 20 years TISPOL members have decided to renew and give themselves a new and self-explanatory name. TISPOL  comes from former times, when the “Traffic Information System” in its first steps was an information exchange platform, meanwhile   it is a real network - aiming to much more than this.
Therefore we have given ourselves the name, which reflects our tasks even better:


ROADPOL – European Roads Policing Network